Bun...Prietene, ma simt nevoit sa iti dau replica, deja ai exagerat, nu numai aseara pe server, ci si cu explicatia ta de pe forum...Nici nu ai intrat bine pe srv, ca ai inceput sa umpli chatul ca ala e codat si alalaltu...Ok, m-am uitat pe ei (ne-am uitat) si nu pareau asa cum spui tu (ca dau cap din prima si numai hs dau). Plus ca am jucat cu aia si harta trecuta si ma uitasem pe ei si atunci. Iar daca tu consideri ca a injura de mama un player e o nimica toata, atunci inseamna ca avem alte principii! Ti-am dat llama (nu censure, nici macar nu stii ce e aia!), ti-l scoateam in 2 runde, insa tu ti-ai schimbat numele ca deh, esti mai cu mot , ca te laudai pe srv ca il suni pe liviu la 2 noaptea. Apoi ai inceput sa ameninti ca faci reclamatie pe forum, ca sa te las 5 min spec sa il suni pe liviu, ca lasa ca vad eu maine, etc... Adica ar trebui sa imi fie frica de tine sau ce? Pana la urma ti-am dat llama pt ca ai vb urat la adresa unui player, daca erai destept taceai din gura si mergeai mai departe! Ca dovada, am copiat la momentul respectiv bucata respectiva din consola (imi pare rau ca nu am asteptat sa copiez si pana la sfarsit)
[Swear Replacement] crAzy : "pycatascoateinpasariklumamatacoadele"
*DEAD* crAzy : am puta mica si nu imi satisfac femeia..
*** L1v1u killed $!k@ with a headshot from m4a1 ***
panda killed SpArT with m4a1
L1v1u killed PyTyKa* with m4a1
panda killed S@D!CuuL with m4a1
] amx_llama cra
[BERCENI] crAzy a fost cenzurat
*DEAD* L1v1u : gg rip
*DEAD* S@D!CuuL : gg rip
crAzy : mda
SpArT killed L1v1u with ak47
*** $!k@ killed RIP with a headshot from ak47 ***
RIP : ms
$!k@ killed panda with ak47
PyTyKa* killed Cenzura*BERCENI with ak47
*DEAD* SpArT : panda wall
L1v1u killed PyTyKa* with m4a1
*** $!k@ killed L1v1u with a headshot from ak47 ***
Cenzura*BERCENI killed S@D!CuuL with m4a1
*** Cenzura*BERCENI killed SpArT with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Tastati /lan pentru a va face setarile de lag
* crAzy changed name to Cenzura*BERCENI
$!k@ killed Cenzura*BERCENI with ak47
] mx_fireatwill pyt
*DEAD* S@D!CuuL : /hp
*** $!k@ killed RIP with a headshot from ak47 ***
panda killed $!k@ with m4a1
panda : e na..
*DEAD* L1v1u : vesi k j spart are wall
$!k@ killed RIP with ak47
Type /lan to choose your Internet Connection!
PyTyKa* killed panda with ak47
*** Ba citeste inainte sa imi dai l killed $!k@ with a headshot from usp ***
(ADMIN) RIP : spart ala e suspect
*DEAD* $!k@ : ahh
S@D!CuuL killed L1v1u with ak47
Ba citeste inainte sa imi dai l killed PyTyKa* with m4a1
S@D!CuuL : ce bn trage berceni asta si nici nu are nica
* Cenzura*BERCENI changed name to Ba citeste inainte sa imi dai l
S@D!CuuL killed Ba citeste inainte sa imi dai l with m4a1
S@D!CuuL killed L1v1u with m4a1
panda killed PyTyKa* with m4a1
SpArT killed panda with m4a1
*** SpArT killed RIP with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** S@D!CuuL killed Ba citeste inainte sa imi dai l with a headshot from m4a1 ***
] amx_unllama cen
Jucatorul cu acel nume sau id nu exista
(ADMIN) RIP : eu zic k pytyka nu pare
] amx_unllama cit
[BERCENI] crAzy fost decenzurat
*** $!k@ killed L1v1u with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(ADMIN) RIP : ial pe spart
SpArT killed panda with m4a1
RIP killed $!k@ with m4a1
* Ba citeste inainte sa imi dai l changed name to crAzy
crAzy killed SpArT with m4a1
S@D!CuuL killed crAzy with m4a1
*** RIP killed PyTyKa* with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* $!k@ : pff rip 3
*DEAD* crAzy : bai admine ...citeste frate inainte sa imi dai llama...
*DEAD* $!k@ : gg rip
*SPEC* Ing3r : prietene...am citit...
*** RIP killed S@D!CuuL with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* crAzy : ysi ce am gresit?
Orice Cerere/Reclamatie Numai Pe
https://berceni.ace.st !
*SPEC* Ing3r : nu ai voie sa vb asa
*SPEC* Ing3r : nu esti in piata la tine
*DEAD* $!k@ : gggggg
$!k@ killed crAzy with ak47
*** RIP killed $!k@ with a headshot from m4a1 ***
PyTyKa* killed L1v1u with ak47
Type /lan to choose your Internet Connection!
panda killed PyTyKa* with m4a1
S@D!CuuL killed RIP with ak47
] mx_fireatwill pyt
crAzy : cum...am zis ceva ioesit din comun?
panda killed S@D!CuuL with m4a1
RIP : ms
*DEAD* crAzy : in piata la mn?
panda killed SpArT with m4a1
*DEAD* crAzy : ma faci si tigan dala care vinde in piata?
(ADMIN) RIP : l1viu ala de cand ai iesit e prag
SpArT killed panda with ak47
L1v1u killed PyTyKa* with m4a1
*** RIP killed $!k@ with a headshot from m4a1 ***
SpArT killed RIP with ak47
*SPEC* Ing3r : nu...vezi cum vb
*** SpArT killed crAzy with a headshot from ak47 ***
L1v1u killed SpArT with m4a1
*DEAD* $!k@ : .hp
*DEAD* $!k@ : /hp
S@D!CuuL killed L1v1u with ak47
*DEAD* crAzy : ai tu grija ma..ca nu am gresit cu nik eu ...
] amx_kick cra
[AMXX] Client "crAzy" kicked
crAzy has left the game
*DEAD* $!k@ : rip ce bulan ai 4
*DEAD* RIP : taci ma
*** $!k@ killed RIP with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** L1v1u killed $!k@ with a headshot from m4a1 ***
SpArT killed L1v1u with ak47
*DEAD* RIP : nu tu sika
PyTyKa* killed panda with ak47
ADMIN Ing3r: kick crAzy
*** L1v1u killed S@D!CuuL with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* $!k@ :
SpArT killed RIP with ak47
*** SpArT killed L1v1u with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* RIP : pff
*** SpArT killed panda with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* $!k@ : k
$!k@ : ,)
*** panda killed SpArT with a headshot from m4a1 ***
L1v1u killed $!k@ with m4a1
passarys connected
(ADMIN) RIP : dai lu spart ala
panda killed S@D!CuuL with m4a1
PyTyKa* killed L1v1u with m4a1
*** PyTyKa* killed panda with a headshot from m4a1 ***
passarys is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** PyTyKa* killed passarys with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* L1v1u : be vedeti ba k j spart e codat
crAzy connected
S@D!CuuL : /who
JOC LIBER =>> TeRRo-No Camp & CT-Defuze BMB
*DEAD* SpArT : jurate ...
*DEAD* SpArT : daca te juri te cred
PyTyKa* killed RIP with m4a1
(ADMIN) Ing3r : stai ma k ma uit pe 2 ...
Type /lan to choose your Internet Connection!
*DEAD* $!k@ : re pasa
passarys dropped
passarys has left the game
$!k@ killed RIP with ak47
L1v1u killed $!k@ with m4a1
*DEAD* RIP : pff
*** L1v1u killed S@D!CuuL with a headshot from m4a1 ***
SpArT killed panda with ak47
*SPEC* crAzy : vaide capu vostru...admini...o sa il sun [pe liviu s vad ce are de zis in privinta asta...
PyTyKa* killed L1v1u with m4a1
*DEAD* $!k@ : /hp
*SPEC* Ing3r : te rugam...
S@D!CuuL killed L1v1u with ak47
RIP : crazy taci ma si suna
SpArT killed panda with ak47
RIP killed PyTyKa* with m4a1
$!k@ killed RIP with ak47
*SPEC* crAzy :
sa nu crezi ca glumesc...acum ma duc sa il sun
$!k@ killed panda with ak47
*DEAD* RIP : gg
L1v1u killed $!k@ with m4a1
S@D!CuuL killed L1v1u with m4a1
SpArT killed RIP with ak47
*SPEC* Ing3r : intai invata sa vb...si pe urma!
*SPEC* crAzy : lasati'ma 5 min sa stau spect
SpArT killed RIP with ak47
PyTyKa* killed L1v1u with m4a1
*** panda killed SpArT with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*SPEC* crAzy : las caa vedem cn a fost vinovat
panda killed S@D!CuuL with m4a1
$!k@ killed panda with ak47
*SPEC* crAzy : se va uita in logo
*** $!k@ killed panda with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** $!k@ killed RIP with a headshot from ak47 ***
SpArT killed L1v1u with ak47
*** S@D!CuuL killed RIP with a headshot from m4a1 ***
SpArT killed L1v1u with m4a1
Admini=> Nu Faceti Abuzuri Asupra Jucatorilor !
panda killed S@D!CuuL with m4a1
SpArT killed panda with glock18
SpArT killed RIP with m4a1
*** SpArT killed L1v1u with a headshot from m4a1 ***
panda killed SpArT with m4a1
panda killed S@D!CuuL with m4a1
$!k@ killed panda with m4a1
*SPEC* Ing3r : ok...te asteptam!
PyTyKa* killed RIP with m4a1
panda killed PyTy
Eu personal nu am nimic cu acest player, insa sa nu acuze pe cineva de ceva ce nu a facut. Eu nu i-am raspuns in nici un mod nepoliticos, nu i-am vb urat, daca se considera ca "in p...pasarik lu mama ta" nu e injuratura, dar noob si altele sunt cenzurate, inseamna ca avem alte valori etice in cap fiecare.
In plus, daca tie ca player ti se pare ca unu ar juca cu coduri, scrii cu sayteam si @ la inceput unui admin, nu incepi tu sa aberezi si sa jignesti (mai ales ca nu te cunosti cu respectivul, deci nu iti permiti) cum vrei tu , doar pt ca il cunosti pe liviu.
L.E.: just for the record, sa stii ca RIP nu te-a jignit pe tine, a scris ceva si s-a auzit sunetul respectiv (nu iti era adresat tie, deci inca o dovada ca te ataci si la lucruri care nu au legatura cu tine, probabil te simti prea important!)